Job hunting isn't easy under this capitalist society. Play as Lisa, an anxious recent college graduate. You were hoping that you would find a job easily. Guess it IS hard to find a job in the current job market. Between being ghosted, going through thousands of interviews just to get turned down in the end, you seriously considered giving up and offering yourself to the Retail Gods. Thankfully, you heard back from one company and they had an interview slot available for the very next day. So here you are trying to pass the job interview  with flying colors and land the job. The skyscraper of E-Corp seems a bit ominous but you still have bills to pay. Will Lisa manage to get the job? 


Art and Writing: jazzeycat 

After a lot of procrastination, this game is finally done! I used Twine for the very time and I am pleased to have seen this project to the very end. Thank you for playing :) !

PS: this is kind of a demo as I plan to make a better version with animated pictures and possibly some sfx/music.

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